“Your every act should be done with love.”
1 Corinthians 16:14
Sisters in Christ meetings are opportunities for the women of the parish to gather with Father Jack on the first Saturday of each month when we will pray together and share reflections on the weekly Gospel readings and how they relate to our own lives. All are welcome to come and join as you are able!
We will meet in the multipurpose room from 9:45-10:30 am on Saturday, January 4.
The Women's Ministry offers a First Saturdays rosary ior the whole parish in reparation to Mary’s Immaculate Heart immediately before the 9:00am Mass every month. The Blessed Virgin Mary asked at Fatima that we go to confession (8 days before or after), receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the rosary, and keep Mary company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 decades of the rosary, all offered in reparation to her Immaculate Heart.
We honor Mary in her month of May with a Communion Breakfast, beginning with the celebration of Mass followed by breakfast, fellowship, and a talk by a guest speaker. Join us for our next breakfast on Saturday, May 17, 2025.
Our 2024 Women's Communion Breakfast was held on
Saturday, May 18, with guest speaker Father Pawel Sass.
The audio recording of his talk is <HERE>.
Our 2025 Women's Communion Breakfast will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025
Women Walking with Christ is a series of local summer pilgrimages to sacred places that provides the opportunity for prayer and fellowship with other parish women.
Our first pilgrimage in 2025 will be on Saturday, June 21 for a day of prayer and Mass of Priesthood Ordination.
Check out our archive of past events below.
The Women's Ministry sponsors a Holy Hour for all loved ones who have fallen away from the Church on August 27, the Feast of Saint Monica. Everyone is invited to pray through the intercession of this Patron Saint of Wives, Mothers, and Conversions during a Eucharistic Holy Hour filled with Scripture, prayer and song.
Women's Nights of Reflection are opportunities to hear a reflection by a priest on a variety of topics especially meeting the needs of women that is offered during an hour of Eucharistic Adoration. Healing prayers may be offered by our priests in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The Sacrament of Reconciliation may also be available during the evening.
These opportunities are offered two to three times per year.
Our next Women's Night of Reflection, with healing prayers, will be offered on Friday, February 21 with a reflection by Father John Lado.
Advent by Candlelight is an opportunity for women to gather together and spend some time focused on Jesus and the real meaning of the Advent Season. The program includes Scripture readings, prayers, songs, a talk by a guest speaker, and a dinner shared in small groups, highlighting the unique beauty of the season.
Our 2024 Advent By Candlelight was held on Sunday, December 8 with Father Leo Patalinghug.Sign up to join our WNR email list and receive monthly updates on Women’s Nights of Reflection, Days of Reflection, Days of Prayer, and other spiritual events offered at Saint Andrew’s:
WNR Signup
If you are a Saint Andrew’s parishioner, also sign up for SAA Women and receive weekly Women's Ministry updates and additional parish notices and announcements:
The Council of Catholic Women for the Archdiocese of Washington has established a website that provides information on events in many local parishes within the Archdiocese. Visit their website <HERE> to learn more.
A Prophet for the Priesthood by Father John A. Harden, S.J.
The Story of a Soul by Therese of Lisieux
Thirty-three Days to Morning Glory: A Do-it-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration by Michael E. Gaitley
True Devotion to Mary: with Preparation for Total Consecration by St. Louis de Montfort