Annunciation Catholic Church
3810 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington DC
"Encountering Christ through Our Poverty"
Keynote Presentation by
Father Dan Leary, Pastor
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Clinton, MD
"Holiness, Happiness, and Perseverance:
the Importance of Priestly Fraternity"
Reflection by Fr. Mark Ivany Directory or Priest Vocations for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington.
The day will begin with the celebration of Holy Mass at 9:00 AM, followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Reflection. Confessions will be available. Lunch will follow in the Parish Center with a Vocations story from a Religious Sister. There is no charge for the event.
The Mother Teresa Vocation Society (MTVS) is a prayer apostolate in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington.
Our members commit to daily prayer for our priests, religious brothers and sisters and seminarians, as well as for an increase of these vocations. There are no dues or meetings, just the simple act of prayer.
MTVS offers Days of Recollection throughout the Archdiocese, Holy Hours for Vocations, and Holy Hours in anticipation of the ordinations to the diaconate and priesthood.
Events are free and open to all (donations are appreciated). For more information, please email Maris Moriarty at moriartym @ or visit our website at: Mother Teresa Vocation Society
The Mother Teresa Vocation Society invites you to pray before the Most Blessed Sacrament at Eucharistic Adoration on the First Friday of each month for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life during the Jubilee Year of 2025.
Download Flyer and Adoration CalendarAll are welcome!
2025 - Date to be announced.
Come pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, grow in faith, and get in shape!
Race will begin and end at: St. John Paul II Seminary. 145 Taylor Street Northeast, Washington DC.
Runners are invited for refreshments at the seminary after the race.
For more information please contact [email protected]