Our priests offer Anointing of the Sick on First Friday in the church during the 8:30am and 7:00pm Mass for those who are scheduled to enter the hospital and wish to be anointed prior to being hospitalized and others who are seriously and chronically ill. (Note dates are subject to change; See the bulletin and website calendar for updates) For urgent requests for the sacrament that cannot be accommodated by the monthly anointing, contact the Parish Office at 301-649-3700.
It is important to notify the hospital upon admittance that you are Catholic. Each hospital has a full-time Catholic priest. Holy Communion is distributed daily by each hospital’s Pastoral Care Staff and may be requested by notifying the nursing staff. Saint Andrew’s Extraordinary Ministers are among those who volunteer at Holy Cross Hospital and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. If you are hospitalized we ask that you or a family member please notify the Parish Office at 301-649-3700 with the hospital name and room number so that we may have the opportunity to visit you and keep you in prayer. This is necessary since HIPAA regulations prevent hospitals from notifying churches when a member has been admitted.
Saint Andrew’s regularly ministers to all the Catholic residents in the two nursing homes within our parish boundaries:
Our priests celebrate a monthly Mass at each of these facilities. Our parish Extraordinary Ministers bring Communion to all Catholic residents (currently suspended due to the pandemic). If you are a resident of another nursing home outside of our parish boundaries, you will receive Pastoral Care through the parish in whose geographical boundaries you reside. It is important to notify the nursing home upon admittance that you are Catholic. When a parishioner enters a nursing home she/he or a family member should also notify the Parish Office at 301-649-3700 to make us aware so we can keep the resident in prayer. This is necessary since HIPAA regulations prevent institutions from notifying churches when a member is admitted.
When illness (even temporary) or advanced age restrict you from attending Mass you may wish to receive Holy Communion at home on a weekly basis. Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Communion to our homebound parishioners each Sunday For more information, contact Lisa Longacre at 301-649-3700.
Stephen Ministry care providers are available to provide confidential care to people going through a tough time in their life, including chronic or terminal illness. For more information, contact Faye McAneny at 301-806-0960 or visit the ministry webpage.
With their consent or that of a family member, our parish prays weekly for all of those who are sick during the General Intercessions at Sunday Mass. Names are included for one week unless notified. Contact the Parish Office at 301-649-3700.
With their consent or that of a family member, prayers for those who are sick may be requested through the parish bulletin distributed weekly after Masses and which is also available on the website. Names are included for two weeks unless notified. Contact the Parish Office at 301-649-3700. Please note that names must be received by Tuesday morning to meet publication deadlines for the weekend.