Sunday Feb. 8th at the 11:30 Mass. Scout Sunday helps raise awareness about Scouting among parishioners and highlights all Scouts’ Duty to God. All Scouts are invited to participate in Mass as a member of the congregation, an usher, or gift bearer. Scouts in coordination with their ministrues are encouraged to participate as member of the choir, lector, or altar server. BSA celebrates the anniversary of the founding of Scouts in 1910. In Girl Scouts Scout Sunday celebrates their connection to faith and worldwide sisterhood.
On Tuesday February 11, 2025 at 7:00pm, Saint Andrew’s will offer a Mass followed by Healing Prayers in the church. The celebrant exposes the Eucharist after Mass, inviting all who wish to come up and receive healing prayers through the priesthood in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The liturgical celebration concludes with Benediction and a hymn in gratitude to the Blessed Mother. Priests are available to hear confessions throughout the evening. We invite you to bring your friends, family, and loved ones and join us.
Saturday, February 1, 2025. 8:30 am - 1:30 pm. Church of the Annunciation
3810 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. The day will start with the Celebration of Mass, Reflections, Adoration, Confession. Lunch will follow in the Parish Center with a Vocations story from a Religious Sister. There is no charge for the event. Please click here for details and to register for this event.
On Tuesday January 14, 2025 at 7:00pm, Saint Andrew’s will offer a Mass followed by Healing Prayers in the church. The celebrant exposes the Eucharist after Mass, inviting all who wish to come up and receive healing prayers through the priesthood in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The liturgical celebration concludes with Benediction and a hymn in gratitude to the Blessed Mother. Priests are available to hear confessions throughout the evening. We invite you to bring your friends, family, and loved ones and join us.
Saturday February 8, 10:00 a.m. The annual Wedding Anniversary Mass to Celebrate the Vocation of Marriage will be celebrated this year at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Any couple is welcome to attend regardless of the anniversary year. Couples must register with the parish office by Friday, January 24
All are invited to a hour of candlelight Adoration led by Fr. John Lado on Tuesday, December 31 at 6:45 pm following the Vigil Mass. It will include prayers of Thanksgiving for the new year. At the end of Adoration, we will recite the Te Deum (in English) which if recited publicly on the last day of the year carries a plenary indulgence.
To make a one-time donation to St. Andrews this holiday season via Faith Direct please click here or use the QR code. 100% of your Christmas donation will help support the parish. For donations with cash or check, please write 'Christmas' in the memo or on the envelope. Thank you for your continued support.
Masses on Monday, December 9 - 8:30 am (School children in attendance) and 7:00 pm.
All are invited to join us for a Mass celebrating the SOlemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary at St. Andrews. Cardinal Gregory has decreed that all Roman Catholics of the Archdiocese of Washington are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Dec. 9, 2024
Join us during Advent for a mini series on the Forms of Prayer on Wednesday evenings at 7:50 pm. Dec 4 - Deacon Brodie Wise - Thanksgiving and Praise. Dec. 11 - Fr. John Lado - Petitions and Intercessions. Dec. 18 - Fr. Jack Kennealy - Adoration
November 6 & 7 at 7:30pm. St. Andrew Apostle Parish and School has Joined Sacred Grounds, which is a multi-faith program that works with the National Wildlife Federation to protect nearby streams and rivers by planting native plants. You are invited to join a focus group discussion to learn and share your views. The discussion will be led by an expert from Sacred Grounds. Limited space is available. Click to register.
5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, November 2. All Souls Day is set aside by the Church to remember all those who have gone before us. This year we pray for all the members of St. Andrew Apostle Parish who have died in the past year, especially Princess Brammer , Adelina Callahan, Anna D’Avanzo, Louis Damiano, Leo DeLeon, Anne Donnally, Deborah Egan, Ann Fabian, Maria Pia Forbes, Patricia Gallorini, Margie Gunawardana, Betty Heffron, James Lehr, Rita Mata, Maria Petruccelli, Rogelio Pinachos, Audrey Ridgell, Brian Rindos, Molly Roddy, Wilbur Rogers III, Andrew Rudiman, Sr., Anthrene Scarcia, and Cecilia Schiavo. Consider coming to pray for all our departed brothers and sisters who have worshipped and worked in our beautiful parish over the years.
Friday Oct. 18, Rosary 6:30pm, Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 7:00pm. A reflection will be offered during Adoration by Fr. John Lado. Healing prayers will be offered after the reflection. Adoration will end with Solemn Benediction.
On Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 7:00pm, Saint Andrew’s will offer a Mass followed by Healing Prayers in the church. The celebrant exposes the Eucharist after Mass, inviting all who wish to come up and receive healing prayers through the priesthood in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The liturgical celebration concludes with Benediction and a hymn in gratitude to the Blessed Mother. Priests are available to hear confessions throughout the evening. We invite you to bring your friends, family, and loved ones and join us.
Sunday October 20 12:30-4:00 PM on the school field. Come join us for Rides, Inflatables, Games, Lunch, Drinks, Snow Cones and More. Wristbands for rides and inflatables $20.00 per person with a maximum of $60.00 per family. Food, Drinks, and Snacks can be purchased separately.
Discernment of Spirits in Marriage (Ignatian Wisdom for Husbands and Wives) by Fr Timothy Gallager OMV, is our next book study. It's practical and spiritual, while being easy to read. We will have an orientation/intro meeting Mon. Sept 30 on Zoom at 8 pm and then meet every other Monday evening on Zoom starting Oct 21 thru Dec 16. Click here for additional details.
Sept 19-22. Join us at Misión San Andrés for 24 hours of Adoration with the exposition of the 1st class relic of Blessed Carol Acutis. Please click here for additional details.
Monday, September 16 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Tony is returning to St. Andrews for a special concert event followed by adoration. Please join us, spread the word and bring a friend.