“The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue, that I may speak to the weary a word that will rouse them” - Isaiah 50:4
When the lector finishes a reading, and looks up at the congregation and says “The Word of the Lord,” something wonderful has happened. The mystery of God’s interaction with us has been recalled, revived and renewed. That is, we have once again heard God reveal the divine intention to love, redeem and reclaim us. The promise that God has made with us has been written on our hearts again. The unfathomable love God has for us, the love that God is for us, has been made flesh again.
The lector does what any good minister does: comforts us in our faith and encourages us in our discouragement. To proclaim the good news from the sacred text is ministry par excellence.
All Christians are, by definition, proclaimers of the good news. Because we were baptized into Christ’s life, mission, death, resurrection and ascension, we announce to the world be our very existence that “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” Some among us are called to minister the Word directly, to ensure that we will continue to hear God’s love spoken anew each time the sacred book is opened. These special people are called lectors.
Qualities of a Lector
Time Commitment
Lectors are asked to practice readings, and to take the time to reflect upon the meanings of the words you will proclaim. Lectors are asked to serve in this ministry approximately twice every 6 weeks (i.e., one morning Mass and one evening Mass). Lectors are asked to dress in a manner that honors our Lord and shows reverence to the altar. This is a ministry that welcomes adults and children. Adults are asked to mentor our children and help them to feel comfortable in their role as ministers.
Self-scheduling of lectors is done through Signup Genius.
Daily readings are located on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website. Also, Workbooks for Lectors are available to those who wish to have paper copies as a reference.
Please contact Ann Salancy at [email protected] or Father Jack if you feel called to this ministry.